Tuesday, February 28, 2012

life is getting a little crazy

424pm- Sooooo i was planning on posting last night but i had a night class and by the time i got back i was just so sleepy that i couldn't bear the thought of turning on the computer and writing. So hear i am, it is a new day and if you didn't notice i deleted my last post about my situation with my friends because i thought things were getting back on track and it felt wrong to keep the post up. But like i said today is another day and things are not back to the way there were. I don't want to say we're not friends anymore because that seems so harsh but things have cooled off a bit and I need to accept the fact that we are not going to be close as they once were. Evidence: no more meals together(except the random times they just show up and ask to sit down) and thats another thing; they ASK if they can sit with me and i do the same with them; when did that start? we never did that before. Another piece of evidence is (and i know this will sound childish) but before the "incident" we were always posting and "liking" things on our Facebook walls, trading funny pictures back and forth, commenting on statues and talking on chat but those days are long gone. Another is they're leaving me out of things they do/plan to do and it makes me feel so unhappy, i mean i understand what i did was wrong but do i really deserve this? I'm not sure what to think and I'm having a hard time letting go.

    Anyway on a more happy note today is National Pancake Day so enjoy all the pancakes you can eat. This week is a pretty busy week; got an essay due monday and a midterm on monday plus readings for other classes but never fear i wont let all that work stop me from blogging.

love love love ttyl

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Forgive Chris Brown?

923pm- okay, so with all the Chris Brown stuff going around the internet ive noticed they're 2 types of people: people who have decided to forgive him or people who think he deserves to rot in hell. Me? I think that beating ANYONE is wrong, but I think Rihanna has obviously moved on (evidence: Brown at her birthday party, being a guest on her song and "tweeting" each other) so if she can get past it why can't everyone else? Truth? I'm not sure and it is not my place (or anyone else's) to judge what another person thinks but I do think that we need to let Ri make her own choices and to the people who say she is a bad example I say that celebrities are not babysitters, use this example to teach your kids a lesson; a "teachable" moment. But personally there are bigger things going on in the world than the possibility of the Ri-Brown reunion. So get a grip people the world is not going to end if they get back together. We live in a world with unlimited access to celebrities; their problems become something we can judge without knowing all the facts and that is not okay. Personally I believe that people can change and everyone deserves a 2nd chance. I believe that because if I did something wrong I would want someone to give me a 2nd chance, wouldn't you?

love love love ttyl


Hey, anybody else on Twitter? Follow me 


Friday, February 24, 2012

R U Kidding?

3:19- okay, i understand that people like to buy things and it is not my place to judge people for what they buy. That said I was on Facebook today when I noticed a news article that CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) had posted on their Facebook page (CBCnewsFacebook) the story was about riots (yes, i said riots) over a pair of Nike shoes. I mean come on people ( and by people i mean Americans...no offence)where are your priorities? For crying out loud the police had to be called. After reading it I immediately "shared it" so everyone else could see this ridiculousness. I mean how sad is it that we live in society that will RIOT over a pair of shoes but do nothing about the child labourers who made the shoes? I will tell you that it is very sad, very sad indeed. Words can not express how much this pisses me off and shame on Nike for building up the hype around these shoes ( which in my opinion if you have any self-respect would not be caught dead wearing unless you play basketball on the moon). People need to learn self-control and not freak out if they don't get a pair of shoes, I'm sure there are children in third world countries who would love your ratty old shoes. To think people looked down on Canadians after the riot in Vancouver after the Stanley Cup, it is just a hockey game and everyone who participated in the destruction of the city certainly deserves to be held criminally responsible but Americans riot over everything material (Black Friday, Boxing day, whenever Nike releases a "new" shoe that costs $200) and lets not forget the women who pepper sprayed fellow shoppers on Black Friday 2011. Just Google anyone of these things and see how crazy people get.

Here's a video someone shot: Florida Mall in Orlando Galaxy Foams Riot Pt. 2
Link to article- Nike's new Galaxy shoe sparks riots in U.S.

 (Nike Shoes- pic taken from the CBC website) 
Here is a picture of the Shoes:  Would you wear them?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Forget catching all the Pokémon I gotta catch some z's

912pm- Ever been so sleepy its all you can think about? Well that was me today, woke up to go to the bathroom at 550am- TEN MINUTES B4 MY ALARM WENT OFF Grrrr that made me mad, i hate when that happens. Was off to the gym early yet again and I couldn't help but notice that I was more sleepy than usual but no worries i pushed though my workout like a champ and then was treated to a nice rain shower on the walk home. After I showered and ate some lunch I settled in my bed getting all comfy and ready to watch a movie (Lord of the rings) and if you ever see me watch a movie by myself you will notice that i dont watch the whole thing, i skip to my favourite parts and just generally ignore boring parts. (anybody else do this?). After I got bored from that I decided that since I am on spring break it is perfectly acceptable to take an afternoon nap (normally on wednesday afternoons i have class so I can't nap) I ended up sleeping from 1230 to 4 o'clock (wow, i must have been tired). I made some dinner because I was going to hot yoga again that night which was the best, so relaxing and just what I needed to finish off a relaxing day. After getting home I realized that it was time to do some homework ( i was planning on doing it in the afternoon, but i fell asleep). And now it is time to go to sleep so i can feel refreshed when I wake up at 6 again tomorrow.

This is what I will look like tonight
love love love ttyl

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

peace and relaxing

909pm- well, today was an eventful day. Started the day off at 6am-9am trip to the gym during which all i wanted was to be back in bed. After the gym/lunch/shower I was off again to my SPA DAYYYY and by gosh it was amazing!!! First, I got my facial, my eyebrows waxed (they really needed to be done, i looked like i had two caterpillars up there) and after that I got my back treatment which is like a facial except on your back and I gotta say it was the most relaxing thing in the world, so relaxing in fact that all i wanted to do after was fall asleep forever. After attempting to do homework (Epic fail) i had some dinner and got ready for Yoga again, thats right yoga and the gym all in one day, going to do the same tomorrow; as the old saying goes "I'll sleep when I'm dead". But I promised myself that when i got home I would do some reading for my political science class, each week we have to read a different assigned book and usually they're pretty good and can hold my attention but this one is so not holding my interest, "Blog Theory" by Jodi Dean is just about as boring and mind-numbing as it gets, you need (and i'm not exaggerating) a Ph.D to understand what she's talking about and if reading it wasn't bad enough i am required to write a one page journal to show that I understand it.

and on a completely unrelated note if anybody caught the latest episode of General Hospital (been a fan since 2007) than you understand my frustration with the way a long time and most beloved character was killed off. anyway not going to give it all away. check out "SimplyGH", her Youtube channel is the best.


love love love ttyl

Sunday, February 19, 2012

kick ass day

8:33pm- wow, today was intense, was up at 6am ( this is late for me, usually i get up at 538am when i am at school), had a pre-workout breakfast and off to the gym at 630- it was still dark outside. Spent a hour on the treadmill because I kinda binged on chips last night so 60mins running was for sure in order. after that i lifted weights for an hour and was home by 930am, i had my protein shake and jumped in the shower. Did some homework...well a little...ok barely any but its only sunday i got all week to do work ;p. and tonight I went back to doing something I really love: HOT YOGA!!! yes thats right, I haven't been able to do it since the summer when I was going everyday for 4 months, it felt really great being back on the mat it was like my body remembered everything from the summer. If you haven't done hot yoga before i highly recommend it, yeah the heat can be a little intense but you feel so great when it's over, so try it if you can. Oh and if it wasn't clear in the beginning of this post, I am a gym freak, i literally go everyday both when I'm at home on breaks and when I'm at school. People who know me think there is something wrong with me (maybe there is, who knows?) but, everyday 620am I am at the gym waiting for it to open at 630am (i take comfort in the fact that there are others waiting with me), I am usually out of there around 840am, so i have plenty of time to have my shake and take a shower, get dressed and make it to class with time to spare. Anyway hope everyone is have a great sunday. Ill be back tomorrow. Something I want share with all of you is this website called PostSecret, its a site that post secrets people send in anonymously and its full of inspiration, hope, sadness, and every feeling there is. The site is updated with new secrets every sunday so check it out.

Here is the link all about the site,

and here is the link to the actual website

love love love ttyl

Saturday, February 18, 2012

All the same?

9:47pm. Well i caved and saw 'the vow' today and ill admit it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be, there were times where i was like 'are you serious?' but everything turned out good in the end (ps. as if we didnt know how it was going to end), this ending made me think of something my sociology of pop culture and media prof said a few weeks ago; all these movies are the same, boy and girl meet, they fall in love, something tears them apart about a hour or so in, they overcome said problems and they live happily ever after. Everything is set to a specific formula so you know what is going to happen. And maybe some people are okay with that, some people love predicability and movie producers know that predicability makes the money but for once I would like to see the girl and guy not live happily ever after, i mean with the divorce rate at what it is it would be more realistic. and are we seriously paying money to watch this kind of stuff?, the only thing that people get out of movie like this is the ridiculous expectation that love happens like that, it doesn't people don't always get a happy ending, people get left behind, sometimes there isn't a guy standing out in the rain professing his love. Life isn't a movie, we like to think it is, but I think the thing we forget is that what we are watching is people being paid to act in love, being paid to give us false hope. 

love love love ttyl

Friday, February 17, 2012

Ever feel like a third wheel?

8:50pm. So things have been pretty weird with my friends lately. Last week one of my friends Becca* and I had a falling out of sorts, long story short i did something i shouldn't have and i have since apologized but i feel like things still are not right. In our group it is me, Becca and this other girl Maddy* and we are all super tight but i feel ever since my mistake things have been weird. We don't hang out as a much and we rarely eat together anymore (we always did before) and i feel like they are both socially isolating me, edging me out of the group. I always feel like the the third wheel when im around them and I don't know what to do about it. I guess time heals all wounds but how long do i have to wait until its time to move on? I would be devastated to lose them as friends but im not sure how long i can take this, hopefully spring break will give us all some perspective.

   But everything isn't so bad, got picked up at school by my friend who i haven't seen in a while and i gotta say it was nice to see her, to talk to her and tell her things and not feel judged. the strange thing is i feel more conformable talking to her about everything going on in my life than Becca and Maddy. Ahhhhh, why is life so messed up and full of drama? Anyway, g2g, early morning tomorrow got myself a 7am date with the treadmill.

love love love ttyl

*= not their real names.


So pumped for break to begin, one class today and then it is home for the week!!!! :) Although when I really think about it all I'm going to be doing is homework and studying for midterms :( but nbd, I am going back to my yoga classes tht i love. I started doing hot yoga last year and its the best, went everyday during the 4 months i had off for summer. Give it a try.! anyway I have to shower, all sweaty from the gym.

love love love ttyl

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Blogger confused

Okay, so i confess i have never blogged before and i'm not sure where to start. I guess i'll talk a little bit about myself (cause who doesn't love doing that). I'm a 19 year old female in second year university who started a blog because i always thought it looked fun, and i have this image of myself being the type of person who "blogs". i've always had this idea where i would start an opinion blog where people would send me ideas for things to write about and i would and you would all comment and engage in conversation (or argument). So send me a topic or ask me on my opinion on anything under the sun. Shoot me an email at bloggergirl123@hotmail.com.

love love love ttyl (trying to make a catchy signing off line, let me know what you think :p).