Sunday, June 10, 2012

Rides of a lifetime

10:09am: So yesterday was a super fun day. Slept in until 945am and I only woke up because I had an appointment to get my eyebrows waxed ( the things girls go though to stay pretty). The girl who does my eyebrows is awesome, her name is Tara and I love her. She is always so nice and she loves the color purple, just like me. After the painful experience of waxing my mom and I ran some errands that included going to the library to pick up a book for her and heading to superstore to pick up some sushi for me.
                When we got home my mom tired to take my dog out to pee but since it was raining cats and dogs he just wouldn't budge, it was funny, my mom was calling him to come out but he wouldn't leave the house lol, needless to say mom wasn't impressed so she just gave up. A little while later I ate my sushi and it was soooo good! I mean I love sushi I could eat it all day long. A little while later around 2pm my friend nick sent me a text and asked if I wanted to join him at the fair that was in town for the weekend and of course I said yes. I put some shorts and a T-shirt on and i was out the door. I met up with Nick outside the fair and he showed me where to buy my bracelet. The first ride we went on was the Tilt-a-Whirl.

After the Tilt-a-whirl we went on the spider and since we were the only 2 people on the ride we couldn't sit together because they had to balance out the weight, the spider was fun and exciting, whenever I'm on that ride I always feel like I'm going to fall to my death lol but we both made it off alive. :)
The spider

The spider was followed by the Kamikaze and let me tell you just looking at the ride was scary as fuck and you could just throw up from the sight of it. Nick was trying to convince me to on it but I was hesitant because it went upside down and anyone who knows me knows I don't do upside down. But in the end I relented and we went on, after I was strapped in I started to regret my choice to get on but I powered though the fear. Well, let me tell you this ride is enough to make anyone hurl and more, I keep my eyes closed the whole time because I reasoned that I would be less scared (sorta true). After what seemed like a lifetime of being turned upside down the ride ended and I was still breathing, the operator of the ride came to unstrap us and asked how we liked the ride, i mentioned that I had kept my eyes closed the whole time and he was like "Bitch, you miss the best part" lol, i thought it was pretty funny. 

After, we decided to take a little break to wait for our friend Lauren who was on her way, we went over to the gym to see if our other friend Kathleen was working (she wasn't) so we went and sat down and waited. While we waited we called out friend Brady and told him to come to the fair, he agreed and would meet us in an hour. Lauren finally arrived so we went back to the fair to go on more rides, the first one we all went a spinning ride (I can't remember the name). Lauren and I sat together while Nick say by himself ( odd numbers (:), in the middle of the ride I was feeling pretty sick and I was trying my hardest not to puke while we were spinning, I made it until the ride ended and before I could get off  I threw up twice on the ground ( don't worry I don't have a picture of that), It was pretty gross though. Brady showed up and we went back on the Tilt-a-whirl and I thought I was feeling good, until we went on the spider again, what a nightmare that was. I ran off the ride to the nearest garbage and threw up twice again and man i was I feeling sick. I spent the rest of the day feeling awful to go on anymore rides but that was ok because Brady stayed with me and even helped me win a stuffed tiger
White Tiger. 

The day at the fair ended with a ride on the Bears, you spin the table in the middle and it makes the bear spin faster. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

New song obsession

Carly Rae Jepsen- Curiosity Lyrics- this being my new favourite song means ill be listening to it 24/7 until i get sick of it

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter!/terilynrodgers

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Cottage adventure

809pm- wow, what a awesome 24 hours. so on monday my bf colin asked me if I wanted to go up to his cottage with his friend Alex and his gf. He picked me up at 1230 on Tuesday, ( he also met my dad for the first time), we got in his truck and started driving but it started raining so we pulled over and took out stuff out and brought it inside the truck until we could buy garbage bags. We went to SuperStore in Halifax and since we didn't want to buy a box of 50 garbage bags when we only needed 5, we took them and shoved them under our shirts ( rebels i know ;p), we were starving so we picked up some sushi ( and yes we did pay for it).

   We drove to pick up Alex and his gf (fyi colin truck only fits 3 people so his gf ended up sitting on Alex's lap the whole way there and back). The cottage is in Mahone Bay which is about 60-90 mins from Halifax so semi road trip, once we got there we ran into Colin's dad who was just finishing up some work on the place, he offered us his car to go into town and get some groceries. While driving we were a little his dad would find the cases of beer in the truck (Colin is still 18) but we reasoned everything would be okay even if he found the beer. Getting back his dad was getting ready to leave and we were about to cook dinner ( we decided to BBQ burgers) and it was yum yum yum!

    After dinner we decided to start on the beer and put on a movie (finding nemo) but the sound wasn't working so we watched it on subtitles while playing Jenga. The movie grew boring so the guys starting playing Mario on the old Nintendo. So this goes on for a few hours and we're all still drinking, talking and having a great time when someone suggested we do POWER HOUR (taking a shot of beer every minute for a hour), I only made 40mins then I started doing shots every 2 mins, but Colin and Alex stuck it out and made an hour. So proud! After that I can't really remember what happened but I woke up with a such a headache, but I guess thats what I deserve (no regrets though), I had some breakfast (cereal) and took a shower, which really made me feel good and started packing my stuff and making sure I didn't forget anything.
Here is what we all drank last night!

    We left around 1130 or so and made a stop at Tim Hortons ( for all non-Canadians Tim Hortons is like a national symbol; Here take a look: Tim Hortons), I got a small hot chocolate and a bottle of water to help curb my hangover. Colin got 2 bagels and gave me one :). We hit the road again and didn't stop again until we got to Alex's house and dropped him off. We then drove back to my house, Colin helped me bring my stuff in and stayed for a few minute but he was happy to see my dog (even gave him part of his cookie) he asked if I could take a picture of my dog and send it to him.

All in all it was a great day/night and I can't wait for more adventures.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Call me, beep me if you wanna reach me

11:16am- Wondering what the title means? Read on. Well, yesterday my boyfriend Colin came over around noon after not seeing him for over a week, but i guess thats what happens when you date someone who travels for work. But it doesn't matter, makes the time we spend together just that more special. So yesterday was a big day, Colin met my mother for the first time, I'm pretty sure she liked him but since I got home at mid-night last night and she was already gone to work when i woke up ill have to wait until lunch time to find out. Colin and I started out talking about everything that has gone on in the past week and it felt really good to talk about because I had been worrying about. See what happen was on Saturday his ex sent me a Facebook message that was not umm, not very nice (understatement of the year) and it really upset so it was good to talk to him about it.

    After that we watched a couple episodes of "Kim Possible"(hence the title name) and while we were not watching all of them (wink wink) it was refreshing just to chill and be happy. We ended up going to Bayers Lake to pick up a trailer for Colin's dad so they can do some remodelling around his house. After that we ended up going to Chapter/Starbucks where we both had smoothies and walked around looking at books, Colin ended up buying a Family Tree book where it provides pages to record your family history; it was pretty neat.

   After Chapters we drove back to my house so i could pick up a jacket and off we were to his house and i was going to meet his parents for the first time, and while I was nervous Colin reassured me that everything was going to be fine and i had nothing to worry about (he was right). When we got there his sister (who I had already met) and his dad were already eating so after I was introduced we got plates and joined them in the dining room. His dad was awesome, really friendly, nice and funny. After dinner, the guys decided that they were going to take the trailer to go get rocks ( yes, you read that correctly), so me and Aletha stayed behind to do dishes, then it was time to just chill out on the couch and watch Tv. We watched "The Mentalist" and "CSI Miami, and then Colin and I went up to his room to chill. He drove me home around 11pm.

Don't forget to follow me on twitter terilynrodgers

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


526pm- well, today was a rainy day and rainy days mean staying inside and watching mind numbing tv. Today it was cycle 13 of America's next top model while the first 3 seasons of kim possible downloaded. Such a productive day! haha. Tomorrow ill be spending the day with Colin, which is good because i haven't seen him in over a week ( who knew long distance relationships were this hard?) and by long distance i mean he lives like 40 mins away. Should be an interesting day, might meet his parents (they were not there last time). Hopefully we get a chance to talk about some things that have been happening in the past few days. In other news i just got back from Hot yoga and man was it a workout, i don't think i've ever sweated that much in my life but it felt really good and i enjoy going.

   Not much has been happening, went out with my friend Brady Sunday night, I was really glad to see him b/c i haven't seen him since he left school ( he finished his exams before me). We walked down to second lake and took the path all the way to the road( it was a long path), it was also a little scary because it was starting to get dark and there was no source of light to guide us. But we made it out alive and then went to get slushies at Needs. All in all it was a great night!!  

Well, time to hit the showers
Update soon

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter terilynrodgers

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

a little laugh

1055am- thought i would share this video of my friend Tatem and I. This video was done as a final project in one of our classes. Enjoy!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Been a long time

1215pm: so it has been a while since i've updated, at first i was going to move my blog to tumblr but i ended up deleting that. A lot has changed in my life since my last update, and i can't even begin to explain it all. My friend problem is taken care of and by taken care of i mean we're no longer friends but thats cool. But so much good stuff has happened that it totally cancels out the bad. Summer is (almost) here, i am done school for the year and aced all my finals :). I feels good to be home, catching up with friends i havent seen in a while ( some not since High school graduation) and most importunely catching up will all my TV shows that i havent had time for because i was busy studying for finals. Another exciting thing, i am now 20 years old!!! had my birthday on April 5th and my friends Tatem, Skyler, Alina, Colin (tell you more about him later ;)) and I all went out drinking, such a great night and ill never forget it.

Well its pce out for now. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Intellectual Conversation

1220pm- Ever take a step back to look at a situation and then see it in a new light? Well that is what has been happening to me, when my friends weren't talking to me it made me step back and question everything and now that were on speaking terms again, i kinda wish we weren't. I know that sounds horrible and mean and I should be grateful that everything is working itself out but in the back of my mind I feel like I can't have a meaningful conversation. For example last night at dinner we were sitting in a booth and sitting at a table in front of us was my friends ex-boyfriend and his roommate (relationship did not end well), but we went on eating and he got a phone call and we could hear it and it was about a party he was having friday night and that it was going to be "awesome", anyway he left, didn't say anything to us and as soon as he was out of sight by friend starting going on about how he was only talking about the party so we could hear him and how she was trying to be the bigger person about the break up ya ya ya (FYI they broke up beginning of Jan 2012 so this has been going on a while). she was talking about how she was over him (and yet she still talks about him, deleted him off facebook then re-added him so she could "creep"). The whole time I was thinking "What is wrong with you?", and after that little rant she started talking about this other guy who she is (for lack of better word) obsessed with, and today at lunch she was going on about how found out that his brother was in her class and she actually took out her laptop in the middle of lunch to show us his FB profile. I sat there thinking and wondered if this was the kind of friend I want and yeah sure there are days that I want to rant about stupid stuff but it i not all the time. Most of the time I want to talk about the news of the day, for example this morning all i wanted to do was rant about the Super Tuesday results and I couldn't because they probably wouldn't want to. I just to have an intelligent conversation with someone, not a conversation about the face that someones brother is in your class.

love love love ttyl

Monday, March 5, 2012

Lindsay Lohan

Have a night class tonight and I know i will be sleepy when i get back so im updating early :)

514pm- okay so we have all seen the media surrounding Lilo the pass few years- in and out of rehab and courtrooms but over the weekend she hosted Saturday Night Live and didn't do a bad job and even if she did at least people are talking something thats good for her right? I personally believed that she was a lost cause, another hollywood actress who partied her pants off and would never change. But looking at how seriously she is taking her probation and how she is getting the praise for the judge i believe that LiLo is getting back on track and is going to make a giant comeback in the year 2012. There are those who still only see her as the train wreak that was portrayed over and over again on the news ( and if you take that stuff at face value than you deserve to be lied to), I believe that like Robert Downey Jr who suffered from a drug addiction for years but made a comeback Lindsay too can make a comeback and this chapter in her life will be closed. I think people are hard on celebrities because seeing someone "fall from grace" so publicly makes others feel like they're in a position to judge them and be morally superior so they can feel good about themselves. That will never change, we live in a society that craves scandal and tragedy and when something happens will feel powerful because we think "I'm better than that" and the true is we're not, we're not any better than celebrities and it is not out position to judge them. People forget that celebrities are humans too and they make mistakes; the difference being when we make mistakes it is not in front of the whole world. We know that if we break up with someone it is not going to end up all over the internet (Facebook doesn't count ;p), we know that if we get arrested for a DWI it is not going to be all over "Perez" and if we get divorced our private problems are not going to end up on "" and/or become a subject of public debate. The saying "You can't judge a person until you've walked a mile in their shoes" applies here there are bigger issues in the world than who getting divorced/arrested this week.

love love love ttyl

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Cheers to the Freakin weekend.

11:14am- Well, i got my crazy friday night that I wanted. Note to self, never drink large amounts of alcohol on an empty stomach or better yet just never drink again. This is what I am saying this morning, hell this is what I say after every time i drink. Drinking started around 7pm and went to 1030 at which point we went to the bar. Okay i feel like i should start from the beginning. The story begins around 9am yesterday morning, i was leaving the gym and as i was i ran into a friend (we shall call him john) anyway john and i were talking and he asked me out to get coffee later that night. I said yes and around 6 that night we went out to "Just Us" ( basically the Starbucks of where i go to school; amazing hot chocolate) we both got hot chocolate and we decided to go sit in the back area of the cafe and guess who was also there. Thats right my ex bf, needless to say i quickly suggested we go sit somewhere else. We had great conversations about, well just about everything and I had a really great time. Walking back we were talking about our plans for the rest of the night and i had mentioned thatI wanted to go out to the bar and drink, he was down with that so we ended up taking a detour and went to the liquor store where i wisely (Sarcasm) bought 6 bottles of vodka coolers ( and yes i drank them all). After, i went back to my res to change and then went to his res to drink before going out. Well, while drinking were listening to Disney music on YouTube because lets face music from disney movies is the best and had some really good drunk conversations (aren't those always the best?). Anyway after a long night of dancing I was ready to head to bed, i was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. But of course there are consequences to drinking and I was hit with those as soon as i woke up. I did not even want to get out of bed; not even even to get food or water but i made it to meal hall and had some food and it made me feel a lot better.

After last night I have come to the conclusion that the universe hates me because not only did i run into my ex at Just Us, i ran into my ex's new girlfriend at the bar as she was working coat check ( she really isnt the type to go out and party at all and he is) AND i ran into my ex as i was leaving the bar. I mean that has to be some sort of record!!!

Update on the friend thing: we had lunch together yesterday and didn't see each other the rest of the day and as they both went home for the weekend I have no idea when im going to see them. But anyway it doesn't matter anymore, short of building a time machine i cant really do anything about it.

2 of my invitations already done! 
But on the other hand for one of my classes we get to do arts and crafts and that makes me so happy lol, second year of university and we're making arts and crafts. But no complaints here.

anyway thats all for now
love love love ttyl

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Shit out of luck

221pm- so this week has been very busy, just finished my 4/5 midterm and feeling pretty great about it. After i decided that if I was going to get any work done at all i was going to need to be in the library and i surprised myself i was very productive (might have to make this library my regular homework spot). The only bad thing about it if you're alone (which I am until my other group member arrives) and you to pee you're pretty much shit out of luck; i mean you could chance it and leave you're +1000 dollar MAC laptop unattended or you just have to wait for someone. Im choosing the latter. No bathroom trip is the worth the chance of someone stealing your stuff and while i would like to believe that my fellow students wouldn't you never know who people really are. Better safe than sorry or in my case better holding my bladder than coming back to a stolen laptop.

Ever feel like you need to do something crazy? Thats how I feel, i feel like this weekend I need to do something crazy ( and by crazy i mean drink, dont worry im legal age) with all the craziness going on and all the work i had to do this week i feel like i need to let loose and have a good time....but if fate has its way i will probably be staying in this weekend but im going to try and get my political science essay done so i at least done have to worry about that over the weekend.

UPDATE 430pm- She came and finally got to pee :)

Anyway more homework is calling my name so I thought I'd post this fun little picture I stole from my friend's facebook. Mine is "Best friends with Lady Gaga. Do this for yourself and post it in the comments

love love love ttyl

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

life is getting a little crazy

424pm- Sooooo i was planning on posting last night but i had a night class and by the time i got back i was just so sleepy that i couldn't bear the thought of turning on the computer and writing. So hear i am, it is a new day and if you didn't notice i deleted my last post about my situation with my friends because i thought things were getting back on track and it felt wrong to keep the post up. But like i said today is another day and things are not back to the way there were. I don't want to say we're not friends anymore because that seems so harsh but things have cooled off a bit and I need to accept the fact that we are not going to be close as they once were. Evidence: no more meals together(except the random times they just show up and ask to sit down) and thats another thing; they ASK if they can sit with me and i do the same with them; when did that start? we never did that before. Another piece of evidence is (and i know this will sound childish) but before the "incident" we were always posting and "liking" things on our Facebook walls, trading funny pictures back and forth, commenting on statues and talking on chat but those days are long gone. Another is they're leaving me out of things they do/plan to do and it makes me feel so unhappy, i mean i understand what i did was wrong but do i really deserve this? I'm not sure what to think and I'm having a hard time letting go.

    Anyway on a more happy note today is National Pancake Day so enjoy all the pancakes you can eat. This week is a pretty busy week; got an essay due monday and a midterm on monday plus readings for other classes but never fear i wont let all that work stop me from blogging.

love love love ttyl

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Forgive Chris Brown?

923pm- okay, so with all the Chris Brown stuff going around the internet ive noticed they're 2 types of people: people who have decided to forgive him or people who think he deserves to rot in hell. Me? I think that beating ANYONE is wrong, but I think Rihanna has obviously moved on (evidence: Brown at her birthday party, being a guest on her song and "tweeting" each other) so if she can get past it why can't everyone else? Truth? I'm not sure and it is not my place (or anyone else's) to judge what another person thinks but I do think that we need to let Ri make her own choices and to the people who say she is a bad example I say that celebrities are not babysitters, use this example to teach your kids a lesson; a "teachable" moment. But personally there are bigger things going on in the world than the possibility of the Ri-Brown reunion. So get a grip people the world is not going to end if they get back together. We live in a world with unlimited access to celebrities; their problems become something we can judge without knowing all the facts and that is not okay. Personally I believe that people can change and everyone deserves a 2nd chance. I believe that because if I did something wrong I would want someone to give me a 2nd chance, wouldn't you?

love love love ttyl


Hey, anybody else on Twitter? Follow me 


Friday, February 24, 2012

R U Kidding?

3:19- okay, i understand that people like to buy things and it is not my place to judge people for what they buy. That said I was on Facebook today when I noticed a news article that CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) had posted on their Facebook page (CBCnewsFacebook) the story was about riots (yes, i said riots) over a pair of Nike shoes. I mean come on people ( and by people i mean offence)where are your priorities? For crying out loud the police had to be called. After reading it I immediately "shared it" so everyone else could see this ridiculousness. I mean how sad is it that we live in society that will RIOT over a pair of shoes but do nothing about the child labourers who made the shoes? I will tell you that it is very sad, very sad indeed. Words can not express how much this pisses me off and shame on Nike for building up the hype around these shoes ( which in my opinion if you have any self-respect would not be caught dead wearing unless you play basketball on the moon). People need to learn self-control and not freak out if they don't get a pair of shoes, I'm sure there are children in third world countries who would love your ratty old shoes. To think people looked down on Canadians after the riot in Vancouver after the Stanley Cup, it is just a hockey game and everyone who participated in the destruction of the city certainly deserves to be held criminally responsible but Americans riot over everything material (Black Friday, Boxing day, whenever Nike releases a "new" shoe that costs $200) and lets not forget the women who pepper sprayed fellow shoppers on Black Friday 2011. Just Google anyone of these things and see how crazy people get.

Here's a video someone shot: Florida Mall in Orlando Galaxy Foams Riot Pt. 2
Link to article- Nike's new Galaxy shoe sparks riots in U.S.

 (Nike Shoes- pic taken from the CBC website) 
Here is a picture of the Shoes:  Would you wear them?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Forget catching all the Pokémon I gotta catch some z's

912pm- Ever been so sleepy its all you can think about? Well that was me today, woke up to go to the bathroom at 550am- TEN MINUTES B4 MY ALARM WENT OFF Grrrr that made me mad, i hate when that happens. Was off to the gym early yet again and I couldn't help but notice that I was more sleepy than usual but no worries i pushed though my workout like a champ and then was treated to a nice rain shower on the walk home. After I showered and ate some lunch I settled in my bed getting all comfy and ready to watch a movie (Lord of the rings) and if you ever see me watch a movie by myself you will notice that i dont watch the whole thing, i skip to my favourite parts and just generally ignore boring parts. (anybody else do this?). After I got bored from that I decided that since I am on spring break it is perfectly acceptable to take an afternoon nap (normally on wednesday afternoons i have class so I can't nap) I ended up sleeping from 1230 to 4 o'clock (wow, i must have been tired). I made some dinner because I was going to hot yoga again that night which was the best, so relaxing and just what I needed to finish off a relaxing day. After getting home I realized that it was time to do some homework ( i was planning on doing it in the afternoon, but i fell asleep). And now it is time to go to sleep so i can feel refreshed when I wake up at 6 again tomorrow.

This is what I will look like tonight
love love love ttyl

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

peace and relaxing

909pm- well, today was an eventful day. Started the day off at 6am-9am trip to the gym during which all i wanted was to be back in bed. After the gym/lunch/shower I was off again to my SPA DAYYYY and by gosh it was amazing!!! First, I got my facial, my eyebrows waxed (they really needed to be done, i looked like i had two caterpillars up there) and after that I got my back treatment which is like a facial except on your back and I gotta say it was the most relaxing thing in the world, so relaxing in fact that all i wanted to do after was fall asleep forever. After attempting to do homework (Epic fail) i had some dinner and got ready for Yoga again, thats right yoga and the gym all in one day, going to do the same tomorrow; as the old saying goes "I'll sleep when I'm dead". But I promised myself that when i got home I would do some reading for my political science class, each week we have to read a different assigned book and usually they're pretty good and can hold my attention but this one is so not holding my interest, "Blog Theory" by Jodi Dean is just about as boring and mind-numbing as it gets, you need (and i'm not exaggerating) a Ph.D to understand what she's talking about and if reading it wasn't bad enough i am required to write a one page journal to show that I understand it.

and on a completely unrelated note if anybody caught the latest episode of General Hospital (been a fan since 2007) than you understand my frustration with the way a long time and most beloved character was killed off. anyway not going to give it all away. check out "SimplyGH", her Youtube channel is the best.


love love love ttyl

Sunday, February 19, 2012

kick ass day

8:33pm- wow, today was intense, was up at 6am ( this is late for me, usually i get up at 538am when i am at school), had a pre-workout breakfast and off to the gym at 630- it was still dark outside. Spent a hour on the treadmill because I kinda binged on chips last night so 60mins running was for sure in order. after that i lifted weights for an hour and was home by 930am, i had my protein shake and jumped in the shower. Did some homework...well a little...ok barely any but its only sunday i got all week to do work ;p. and tonight I went back to doing something I really love: HOT YOGA!!! yes thats right, I haven't been able to do it since the summer when I was going everyday for 4 months, it felt really great being back on the mat it was like my body remembered everything from the summer. If you haven't done hot yoga before i highly recommend it, yeah the heat can be a little intense but you feel so great when it's over, so try it if you can. Oh and if it wasn't clear in the beginning of this post, I am a gym freak, i literally go everyday both when I'm at home on breaks and when I'm at school. People who know me think there is something wrong with me (maybe there is, who knows?) but, everyday 620am I am at the gym waiting for it to open at 630am (i take comfort in the fact that there are others waiting with me), I am usually out of there around 840am, so i have plenty of time to have my shake and take a shower, get dressed and make it to class with time to spare. Anyway hope everyone is have a great sunday. Ill be back tomorrow. Something I want share with all of you is this website called PostSecret, its a site that post secrets people send in anonymously and its full of inspiration, hope, sadness, and every feeling there is. The site is updated with new secrets every sunday so check it out.

Here is the link all about the site,

and here is the link to the actual website

love love love ttyl

Saturday, February 18, 2012

All the same?

9:47pm. Well i caved and saw 'the vow' today and ill admit it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be, there were times where i was like 'are you serious?' but everything turned out good in the end (ps. as if we didnt know how it was going to end), this ending made me think of something my sociology of pop culture and media prof said a few weeks ago; all these movies are the same, boy and girl meet, they fall in love, something tears them apart about a hour or so in, they overcome said problems and they live happily ever after. Everything is set to a specific formula so you know what is going to happen. And maybe some people are okay with that, some people love predicability and movie producers know that predicability makes the money but for once I would like to see the girl and guy not live happily ever after, i mean with the divorce rate at what it is it would be more realistic. and are we seriously paying money to watch this kind of stuff?, the only thing that people get out of movie like this is the ridiculous expectation that love happens like that, it doesn't people don't always get a happy ending, people get left behind, sometimes there isn't a guy standing out in the rain professing his love. Life isn't a movie, we like to think it is, but I think the thing we forget is that what we are watching is people being paid to act in love, being paid to give us false hope. 

love love love ttyl

Friday, February 17, 2012

Ever feel like a third wheel?

8:50pm. So things have been pretty weird with my friends lately. Last week one of my friends Becca* and I had a falling out of sorts, long story short i did something i shouldn't have and i have since apologized but i feel like things still are not right. In our group it is me, Becca and this other girl Maddy* and we are all super tight but i feel ever since my mistake things have been weird. We don't hang out as a much and we rarely eat together anymore (we always did before) and i feel like they are both socially isolating me, edging me out of the group. I always feel like the the third wheel when im around them and I don't know what to do about it. I guess time heals all wounds but how long do i have to wait until its time to move on? I would be devastated to lose them as friends but im not sure how long i can take this, hopefully spring break will give us all some perspective.

   But everything isn't so bad, got picked up at school by my friend who i haven't seen in a while and i gotta say it was nice to see her, to talk to her and tell her things and not feel judged. the strange thing is i feel more conformable talking to her about everything going on in my life than Becca and Maddy. Ahhhhh, why is life so messed up and full of drama? Anyway, g2g, early morning tomorrow got myself a 7am date with the treadmill.

love love love ttyl

*= not their real names.


So pumped for break to begin, one class today and then it is home for the week!!!! :) Although when I really think about it all I'm going to be doing is homework and studying for midterms :( but nbd, I am going back to my yoga classes tht i love. I started doing hot yoga last year and its the best, went everyday during the 4 months i had off for summer. Give it a try.! anyway I have to shower, all sweaty from the gym.

love love love ttyl

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Blogger confused

Okay, so i confess i have never blogged before and i'm not sure where to start. I guess i'll talk a little bit about myself (cause who doesn't love doing that). I'm a 19 year old female in second year university who started a blog because i always thought it looked fun, and i have this image of myself being the type of person who "blogs". i've always had this idea where i would start an opinion blog where people would send me ideas for things to write about and i would and you would all comment and engage in conversation (or argument). So send me a topic or ask me on my opinion on anything under the sun. Shoot me an email at

love love love ttyl (trying to make a catchy signing off line, let me know what you think :p).